Pigi publications
Pages: 346
ISBN: 978-960-626-233-3
Project that combines fantasy literature and heavy metal music, written together with the author Marios Dimitriadis.
Marios Dimitriadis and George Damtsios contacted ten well-known metal bands and, after prior consultation with them, wrote short stories based on the lyrics of their favorite songs. Roger Rovento of Xelyruth respectively contacted five famous authors and composed music based on their short stories.
The book includes fifteen short stories in total, as well as the lyrics that go with them, while the insert CD includes the five Xelyruth compositions.
It contains 15 short stories:
Chapter I: Spectre (Judas Priest & George Damtsios)
Chapter II: Forward Momentum (Dark Tranquillity & Marios Dimitriadis)
Chapter III: Mofongo Knows (Xelyruth & Grady Hendrix)
Chapter IV: Endless Forms Most Beautiful (Nightwish & George Damtsios)
Chapter V: Disengage (Suicide Silence & Marios Dimitriadis)
Chapter VI: Echoes Down An Endless Hall (Xelyruth & Yoon Ha Lee)
Chapter VII: Deadlands (Gamma Ray & George Damtsios)
Chapter VIII: Buildings (Katatonia & Marios Dimitriadis)
Chapter IX: The Dead Thing (Xelyruth & Paul Tremblay)|
Chapter X: Sparta (Sabaton & George Damtsios)
Chapter XI: Sacrifice Unto Sebek (Nile & Marios Dimitriadis)
Chapter XII: Clockwork (Xelyruth & Darcy Coates)
Chapter XIII: To The End Of The World (Alestorm & George Damtsios)
Chapter XIV: Of Unworldly Origin (Revocation & Marios Dimitriadis)
Chapter XV: Hippocampus (Xelyruth & Adam Nevill)